Bieber, the Canadian born Canadian groomed blonde, who shot to fame after wooing chics by dancing in bowling alleys, is believed to change the colour of his hair depending on his emotion and mood. It is still unclear why his hair was crimson red hours after the incident. As anonymous reports have it, Bieber was enjoying a quiet time alone in his room when suddenly there were shrill screams heard from the room. “At first everyone believed him to be just practicing for his upcoming show. And then IT HAPPENED! we all heard the voice crack! it could not be missed, like thunder on an empty meadow!”, in the words of Bieber’s BFF (<3 <3 Mwah Mwah) , Ciley Myrus, on the condition of anonymity.
The reports remain unconfirmed and despite many efforts, no contact was established with the child prodigy as some chirpy crackle voiced kid kept answering his home phone, claiming to be the bieber.
International markets fell as the news broke, on account of fear of D-Day having arrived now that this incident took place. “I wanted to spend my last few hours living my dreams. My 5 month old daughter loved Bieber. I hate him now, couldn’t he have waited till she atleast had HER first love?!” said, Cycle Braun, a distraught broker.
The news was well received by hoteliers worldwide as they could now maybe render their glass doors safe for use after these drew heavy criticism after successive bieber-bumps. The news is drawing mixed responses from the huge fan base of Justin Bieber as most of them decided to make this the theme of their next pride parade. In the words of Sunuva Dalal, a Shakespearean Bieber fan, “We were all happy and gay as ever.”.
Analysts the world over launched into heated debates over the possibility of Bieber finally opting for a haircut as he might start sprouting it elsewhere now. Though it is unclear how successful he might be without his much loved girl-ish voice and girl-ish antics coupled with his highly girl-ish looks that gave the audience the complete package. It is reported that scientists in Canada are working on a elixir that could keep the puberty from advancing any further in Bieber. The world over people prayed for these small bunch of smart-asses from Canada to hit success before Bieber hits any more of puberty.
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