~The Kleptolectual~
23 December, 2011
04 December, 2011
Extreme Pre-Exam mind-numbness
You know that feeling when you realize;
Santa Claus always says Hoe, hoe, hoe;
Urinal Cake is not actually cake;
Grape sounds eerily similar to grope;
You let one slip and the music dies down;
Your birthday is not a reason for the whole world to rejoice;
It was not "JUST" three chapters;
You laughed at your own pun;
You were the only one that laughed;
You just made a statement worth being on your facebook status;
Guy you taught gets more marks than you;
If life gives you melons, you probably have dyslexia;
The G in the Disney logo is not actually a G;
One of your favorite cartoon characters lived in Bikini Bottom;
The difference between first and second base is not always one hit;
Justin Beiber is more famous than you'd ever be;
College is nothing like you see in Hollywood movies;
Happy Realization.
22 November, 2011
That's What She Said!
"Dude, you would not believe what I just heard!"
We live an age of cliches. Yes, that too is one. Everyday conversation is now cliche. "Ssup?" , "Nothing much.", "Hmmmm." recognize those? These are what pass off for a good talk these days. So every now and then when I do encounter something off the mundane, it makes for story-telling! Gossip maccha, that's the word. The word of mouth was instrumental in passing down our prized scriptures for ages, word of mouth has seen the Vedas, the Mahabharata, the Ramayana, and what not. Though with time, it seems words have gotten too much for the mouth, as knowledge got too much for the masses. Einstein, Hawking, Schrodinger, etc came and went, leaving more and more knowledge for the masses to digest. An average IQ of around 100 meant that these pearls of wisdom were digestible by some superior few, the rest were left to fend for lesser-knowledgeable words to mouth.
"Yeah, so get this! It turns out Vanilla and Chocolate have not yet made Ice-cream!"Ah. Yes. Ice-cream, that's good. Nothing beats ice-cream. But then again gossip beats nothing, so we have a clear winner here. What's intriguing though, is not why Vanilla and Chocolate have not yet made Ice-cream (Will someone just get those two a nice little tree!), but how this little piece of "what's up" ended up beating upon your tympanic membrane ('ear 'ear!). Tracking back we land upon the Chinese (Yes, there's nothing they haven't made) as the source for the spread of this age old tradition. Well they never intentionally got together to whisper and stuff, but their language was just so incomprehensible to the Queen's Best that the British just dismissed them as pointless whispers.
"You know what else is pointless?! Vanilla being with Chocolate! Darn what a waste of good ice-cream!"Hmmm. Well Vanilla might not get Chocolate to make ice-cream but our little tale sure did not start with the Chinese making ice-cream. It took a nice long frank conversation, and some "don't tell this to anyone" banter to finally reach the ears of someone not so good at "don't tell this to anyone" type stuff. So casual conversation got overridden by our little whisper in many circles (by now growing in strength and already making plans to take over the world), making its passage through many a mouth, it transcends from a secret, into... wait for it... wait for it cuz you'd not believe if I told you... GOSSIP. Yes gossip, rumor, story, all the faces of the same (weird multifaceted) coin.
"But then again, it's just a rumor. We cannot really be sure. Oh and DON'T TELL ANYONE!"Ofcourse I won't tell anyone! (Maybe just post it on my blog, but it never gets out of my mouth!) Anyhoe, the gossip now in its prime is looking to grow further, "soon I shall be everywhere! Upon every tongue! Upon every "back of my mind"! Mwahahaha". But as are the stories of Kardashian, Beiber, and Google Plus have shown us; everything eventually meets its fate. Fall upon the ears of enough dis-interested chaps, and our ever growing buddy is reduced to a "Meh. Whatever." thing. True story.
"So, What's up with you?"
"Hmmmm."To sum it all up; gossip's the word of the age, and 'em mongers the prophets. After all there's never enough to keep everyone happy!
"That's what she said last night!"
P.S. Vanilla and Chocolate are not real names! :| But yes, real people. :P
P.P.S. I brought up Einstein and Hawking only so I could share this and be very very happy about having passed something down by might of pen!
13 September, 2011
O' P, Where art thou?
07 September, 2011
The 2-D limit

Of words on paper, a life in the pages,
A book, outside it all; its shell, bustling.
Beneath, a world so flat, wages,
The life, in all it's flat splendor rages.
So free, yet confined,
So opinionated, yet submissive,
Multi-dimensional, yet living in just two.
When you start spending too much time with books, you know it. You just get to know it. How, you ask? When your jokes start to sound like a physicist on drugs, you know you're in way too deep. Broadly classifying people from this perspective, we can define the distinction of the clique that DO things, and then there are those who DO books. Yes, i hate books. Books. In all their "knowledge" and "views", somehow bring about a whole new idea of an end. Of being limited while promising the limitless. Nah, i don't hate books. Books are just a means to distract us from OUR life, OUR problems. No better than RGV movies screening in halls are a cheap excuse for sly couples making-out in the dark corners. No, books are not bad. Their idea though, is a whole different issue! I just don't enjoy the concept of there being an end to something so boundless. Putting a period on the world that the last 400 odd pages bulit.
If an escape is the search, O' voracious one,
Why, does one lead to the other,
Forever in look, words come, pages go,
Yet elude doth, still looking are you?
Books can make you laugh, cry, sick, and lost. Books evoke, you fuel. What more solace can 400 odd pages offer you that you cannot yourself? What excitement or entertainment can those words provide that watching a fat kid fall off a sofa cannot? Bah.. I hate books, i really do. They are long, boring, have too many words, big words, and more often than not, they END. Those two words that ever evoke more emotion than any of the other 10 thousand in the book, THE END. Everything you were in the last dozen hours snaps, as you face that ugly bunch of homework/office-work that was slyly tucked away behind the puppy-eyed jacket that you hold. A book is not your escape, you are. It's what you percieve. Perception is your escape. One man's bore is what another adores.
Spill forth the lines, break the confines,
Beyond any end, limits that never expend.
Burst forth from the page, life's firey rage,
This, friend; is your creation,
... devoid of an end and it's stagnation.
I just hate books, sorry.
29 August, 2011
Big balls; Arsenal to press charges
In a blur of an hour and a half yesterday, 11 members of the Arsenal squad were left in tears and licking their wounds as; in broad daylight, and under the nose of 30K+ odd people; several wounds were inflicted upon their dignity. "It was rape!", cried one of the onlookers, "I tried to help, I screamed for help! I screamed, but i was helpless. Oh god i was helpless! Why?", he continued as he broke into uncontrollable sobs. Following the debacle that left all of the Arsenal squad grippin' their clothes and fleeing to save any tid-bits of dignity they had left; Arsene Wenger, who was hospitalized following the heavy blows to his dignity, heart and mind, declared that they would press charges of rape and assault against Manchester United, making clear that "stick and stones might break my bones, but raping ain't gonna hurt me *Owww*".
In an ordeal that lasted an hour and a half, the Arsenal players seemed unwary of what was to come as they shared laughs and shook hands with Manchester United players at the start. In events that followed thereafter, several of the players were robbed of their dignity as every Manchester United player lent his hand to make it unforgettable. "They were everywhere, oh them wretched devils! All over me! Aaargh.", sobbed one victim whom the Goalkeeper of the ManU squad had made special efforts to rape, in the box and outside it.
The worst affected in the series of events was none other than the Arsenal goalkeeper himself. As player after player came and went, he was shown little mercy, being raped all over the goal. Following the 4th rape he could be seen, just standing at the goal, not even attempting to move/resist, numb. Defenders gave him little joy as they offered very little resistance to ManU players ganging up on the little polish guy.
Following the gang rape, Arsenal have decided to press charges in a court. "We have rights! They raped us! Raped us of our dignity! IT WAS RAPE!", whimpered the captain of the squad. The charges among st others could include forcefully thrusting themselves upon an underage squad. A very serious offence, as the ManU players mercilessly raped a squad with an average age of 23.6. Old man Rooney was responsible for raping many of the small boys, as he gave the cameras a sly smile later.
The player now are on the road to recover from the physical and mental trauma dealt to them in such a hurry, yet Swansea City were seen licking their lips at the thought of the treat that awaits them. In an attempt to speed up the recovery, Arsenal approached Indian politicians, experts at recovering after constantly having their feet in their mouth. As reports last came in, disappointment awaited the squad here too as they were promptly told,"Foot in the mouth is our forte, we don't deal with a foot in the arse."
02 August, 2011
The Silence, it's Murder!
Such frivolous waste,
A hidden expression,
Just waitin' to surface.
Yon' solitary mind,
Wander doth mazed,
Through letter and kind,
That reason to bear.
Speechless in stare.
A growing feeling,
Upon the hand unused,
The tiny voice inside,
Fore from their hide.
The hand squiggles, the lines that were,
Bound leaping, out, a-fore,
The hand that squiggled paused for more,
Squiggled on, spilled all o'er.
What a waste, to mind does come,
'twas that time to laugh in a drone.
Alas the masterpiece finished.
An eye around cast long shadows,
The places that laughs once hallowed,
The payment, overdue ensured,
The shadows got longer, as the words flowed.
Lay in the burden of words, his own,
Lay the hand, and the words of his own.
Words he freed, words, his home,
Words, his only companion.
He lay,
Mind astray,
Back in the day,
Eyes, ears every way,
Upon every lie he'd say.
The laugh the giggle, all that waste,
Back onto his expressionless face,
The reigning disparity within his head,
And once again the words were dead...
The words, his own, the words, dead.
21 May, 2011
*Boom* You Just Got Stereotyped!
Whoever said that this world is made up of all kinds of people really hadn’t lived past the nineties so i bet they wouldn’t know better than to dare group the vast number of stereotypes into a vast, more unified class of “human beings”!! Seriously WTF!?
Our present society thrives on distinction. But then again we all recognize the fact that distinction is only possible to a finite extent. That’s why the medieval society is believed to have stopped at the shudras. Going below that would just mean inventing new and more menial jobs… Bah too much of an effort. But as society evolved, and egos followed suit, the lower castes learned that with the great democracy came some great privileges in the form of protests and riots. As they sprung into action, slowly those distinctions slipped into obsolesce.
Living in a society sans any reason to fight/mock another amongst ourselves was too much for us to bear. Hence we the people began looking around, travelling and learning the variety of cultures that co-existed. Finally great minds sat together and discussed the present scenario and the various records were gathered from the travellers. After years of toil, *EUREKA* we built an infallible division in society. The elders christened it “the Stereotypes”!! *sniff* it was beautiful! An international phenomenon FIRST TIME IN INDIA!! It was an instant attraction.
In the decades that followed (and I wouldn’t be surprised if you still find it pretty “kewl”) the northern-ers seemed to beat the rest of the country at this game by having anecdotes on almost every distinctive class of people. Though the official document went extensively into details regarding every sect and clique possible, due to space constraints i would like to present only a few of the salient features of this governing and all powerful document:
WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN REGIONALIST INTOLERANT CORRUPT REPUBLIC and to secure to all its stereotypes:Further this self- righteous document stated:
A STATE, a geographical land mass that your ancestors settled in and thrust upon you as your “home” and staple reply to “tum kahan se ho?”
LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; And hence liberty to decide under which pretext you shall be mocked by others
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity; though only within the same clique of stereotypes, do not expect any equality outside of the group you have been stereotyped under
and to promote among them all
FRATERNITY destroying the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation.
The country shall be divided into cliques based on the geographical location of the individual and his origins. The basis for mockery can change dynamically and shall adhere with the basic Human Rights, just so that no gay international institution decides to question our actions.Clearly our society has made major headway in these areas and continues to do so with immense vigour! Long live the Indian Democracy!
There shall exist an imaginary line diving the nation above and including Maharashtra, into the broad “punjabi type” category. The portion of land south to this shall consist of “madrasi type” category. A detailed description and entities comprising each category is herewith enclosed.
The pujabis shall further encompass the stingy marwadis, who are scrupulous in matters of money and despite having the vastest of riches would prefer to come off as extremely poor so as to attract discounts. Another sub-class would be the marathis, with screwed up sense of virtues and Dharma they would come to be the fighting lot. Along the east coast would lie the Bongs, not the instruments of filtering illegal substances, but the instruments of extreme “O”-valisation of words and fish gougers. Above them shall lie the Biharis, the ones who steal the jobs that demand extreme hard-work and low pay, the stupidest children of our motherland who would surprisingly spring up brains only for the most competitive tests in the country, but be really stupid otherwise. Others there would be the violence prone Kashmiri storming around demanding their own independent land where they can be free to explode anything and kill anyone. Also this region would house the UP-ites, hell bent upon raising their statues all over the place. Oh yes, and also the forgotten ones, the north –eastern states. Very isolated, ignored and mostly would be mocked as chinky (a slang for Chinese monkey).
The madarasis would be a thing in themselves. Though not much is known till date about this clique, its an established fact that they would excel in academics, be really dark, and speak funny english (which would still be pretty clean in terms of grammar and semantics, unlike the punjabis). This bunch would be mocked under the pretext of their strange language that serves as a tongue twister for the rest of the country. Apart from this there is very little known on this sect as barely anything they said could be comprehended apart from being visually very humorous.
P.S. Do we really mean any of the highly preached principles we talk about in our constitution and other “national integrity” parades? What good is a nation that fights within itself and yet aspires to be a superpower one day. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and i assure you friends, our weakest link can be exploited by the slightest of disturbance. To be impenetrable to the outside world, we must at least strongly bond within. I don’t preach of my friend in Kanyakumari and Srinagar meeting every month over a cup of coffee, i just dream of a state where my friend in Mumbai does not vie for the blood of another in Patna. Laughing at ourselves is one thing, as long as we know when to rise above it and stand united. For anyone who felt bad by what was mentioned by their “stereotype”, its out there and that's why i wrote it. If you really got the message you would not feel offended, but instead feel the need for change.
23 April, 2011
Every Man For Himself
Today he felt different. Not the usual self that just silently followed his mind traversing the forest. Today he felt limp, something kept dragging him back. He looked down upon himself and gasped… he was in crutches. Crutches that he had to keep holding on to, to keep from falling. Crutches below which his ability of free thought and action were smashed.
Independence of thought, opinion, and action is a treasured possession. He now felt deprived of this very basic human need. As he slowly limped along the trail of thoughts that the crutches carried him through, he remembered something he had learned recently, “Like attracts like, this universe is built upon that principle”. Were his own actions and thoughts to blame for his current situation? A coach chugged along in his path, he stumbled into it only to see many coaches were in tow, all chugging through the forest. He surveyed each coach, every time dawning upon a new, yet related, aspect of him being responsible for his state. At once he saw all those overly ambitious attempts at pleasing others at the cost of his feelings. Moving into the next, there he saw that time, when he instituted his foremost rule of never giving anyone the reigns to his feelings and how this had only let him down over time. He was now no more the rider, he was ridden by emotions. It was snuffing him out. The urge to break out of it all, to break these crutches and be on his own feet once again, was his only thought. He started to run, haplessly limping all the way… he ran and ran away from that forest, away from those memories that suddenly were more haunting than pleasing. He kept running far, just running to escape it all once and for all.
The capability to think for oneself is something we take for granted more often than not. Value it, value the fact that YOU can CHOOSE. Choice maketh a man, ‘tis said, and rightly so.
22 April, 2011
19 April, 2011
Every time you walk past that curb always hoping to run into some off the hook, weird, cool, awfully crazy thing, ninja, totally hipster thing that would make you gawk like an OMGcat and go ZOHMYGAWD! The thing that’d make you jump up and down all crazy as hell or stand rooted to your spot and scream your mind out. Each time!
Turning round that curb to watch the earth falling into itself right before your eyes, and you swerve back, totally ninja style and run while dodging all the flying cars, animals and pigs. Jumping over the fence that tripped you last night, watching that dog which chased you around the block, fall into the huge gash, and you just keep running all ninja. Till you finally run into a damsel in distress and pick her up and you’re suddenly running with her in tow or in your arms (depends on your views towards proximity). Dodging that cylinder that just chose to explode as you “flew” past it. The earth behind you cracking… That large crack running from the black emptiness and reaching out, ever-reaching out towards you. All the world is suddenly a stage that’s falling in on itself and you are playing lead! The lady whom you never knew till moments back, is suddenly featuring in your dreams (even as you run past blocks of mud and decapitated living things falling through the sky, miraculously not once falling on you, despite you being bereft of the luck of not being hit by bird-poop on any normal day). Running past those everyday faces and you’re like the most popular guy on campus as people are all calling out your name for help, but you face a stronger moral obligation towards that hottie in your hands. Your head gets all muddled up with emotions (actually its not your head thats muddled, because you are not thinking from your HEAD at the moment!) * :D get it?? not thinking from your head! :D huh? get it? get it? :| oh just go kill yourself! that was good!*.
And the whole earth gobbles itself up as you run and run tirelessly… with the mother earth behind you wanting to lovingly fill you into herself, singing “You can run you can hide but you can’t escape my love”!! (Damn, wrong playlist i put on last night!!). As you rest for the night in a seemingly tiny from the outside shed in the middle of nowhere with your new “companion”. The land too has seemed to decide it needs a break, so it has stopped falling into itself. *Time for a nap* (The details of the night again are subjective to your view of PMS).
The morning sun brings with it a coffee shop somewhere close by so that you and the lady can enjoy some mocha only to find out that the earth has quit falling into itself and that it was due to some f*ck up by the American government and that some responsible, non-corrupt officials found out the ghapla and saved the day while those corrupt a**holes fell into the earth, never to be seen again! The girl you rescued suddenly is all into you and talking about the whole thing being a setup by the universe to bring you two together and shit like that. You go all smiles but in your head you’re thinking “Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?? Crazy b*tch tryna’ play me down'!” *Yeah… you speak nigga style in your head!*. The sun seems to shine brightly upon you two going nom-nom-nom all over each other’s face while the rest of the survivors start clapping all around you and screaming “Bravo! Encore! Woot!”.
Every time i close my eyes wishing the above… turning round the curb… just wishing … …and…… BOOM! Bird flies over-head screaming “HEADSHOT BIATCH!!!”…
P.S. As you might have guessed, its exam season… And I’m bored. Crazily hectic combo! :|
13 March, 2011
Where knowledge is free…”
The newspapers have a dedicated section for recent rapes, honour-killing, religious-riots, and all such HOT TOPICS. It makes for excellent eye popping material. Makes an excellent USP. A play i recently saw, titled Kharashe, showed a beautiful scene of a Bengali household. The wife slowly slit the body of the fish for the day’s lunch, its limp body, its mouth slightly open as if trying to say something. Trying to call for help? Mercy? While the husband read the paper that showed how another helpless girl had been raped and murdered, the picture showing her limp, lifeless body, and her mouth slightly open… as if trying to say something.
Human beings adapt to situations and environments very well. It is something that we learnt as students in an early class. If there is one pit-fall for the human mind, it is at time of crisis. The human mind is the sanctum-sanctorum of faith. There comes a time in every human’s life when the mind fights itself over faith. And this is the situation hundreds are stuck in every day. Not knowing whom to trust, the very foundation of relationships crumble in the minds of victims. Once the foundation has fallen, it is only natural for all logic and reason to collapse, and people rush into rash decisions. We all wonder what it is that pushes the extremists and rebels to jump into this mad suicidal idea of justice that their front bears. Some think, they are “born that way”. But that never is the case. Many of the rebels who happened in the past riots, were BORN in earlier riots. Watching their family, best friends, belongings being slaughtered by people in the name of religion or land, embeds those ideals deep within them. After that its as simple as a 9th class Science Textbook: “Every Action Has an Equal and Opposite Reaction”.
Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit…”
I reiterate, not all take up swords when slashed. Sometimes a moment of chaos brings out the true side of humanity. If there were one heaven on earth, it would be one such moment. As the aforementioned play brought out, two strangers scrambling for their lives come together in the most unfortunate of scenarios. Within that moment they forgot all caste, creed and religion and despite discovering that each was from an opposite party involved in the dispute, they mingle to form a bond that would live even through their death. Its funny how we realize the true worth of something only when it is taken away from us. We realize the true worth of a human life only when its been taken away.
It is pretty sad to note that a lot of friends and juniors alike are unaware of incidents like Ayodhya. While the media did an overly ambitious attempt to blow up the issue, it is not something that can be treated with nonchalance. The Ayodhya issue was kind of a wakeup call to all orthodox religious groups. With the extensive destruction and all the tension and suffering that followed, the concept of secularism itself was sent into a tizzy. Ayodhya lived in peace for years after Babur first established the controversial mosque amongst the many temples. This order was brought to unrest by a certain clique in the name of religious righteousness. This clique functions under the motto “Dharmo rakṣati rakṣitaḥ” or “Dharma protects its protector”. Apparently their Dharma (which in actuality constitutes ideas of Vedic ritual, ethical conduct, caste rules, and civil and criminal law) was to kill anyone who opposed their thinking. This, i brought up to highlight how little knowledge is very very dangerous. These “leaders” with their little and misconceived knowledge of Dharma, go around propounding their screwed up notions and hence screw up a hundred other lives.
Unbiased opinions. Thinking before doing. Gaining an entire idea of a concept before imbibing it. Eliminating all preconceived prejudices. These are only a few ways to achieve freedom of the mind, and wake up to a newspaper that would read “Another Indian girl makes it to the space station, nation watches in pride” rather than “Another girl raped and murdered, as people watch helplessly”.
Into ever-widening thought and action
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.”
08 March, 2011
The Other Side Of The Moon
The prince of the darkness, yet not princely by far,
Every night, watches over the dozing population.
Over the calm, sleepy wind, drearily rustling the proud tree.
Observing the last of the midnight bird, and its unsuspecting prey.
Passing by the window of that boy, that the sun spoke of,
Naughty little brat, but in the streaming moonlight, a harmless angel.
The cool moonlight that drenched the burning sands of the deserts,
The naughty moonlight that stole peeks at cosy, cornered, lovers,
The magnificent moonlight, that cut through the dark forest,
The soothing moonlight giving company to distressed souls,
The creepy moonlight, frightening humans off the zombie’s-land,
The majestic moonlight, cutting through the blinding darkness,
Giving eyes to the living dead, and taking them from the rest.
The soft feather, trampled all day under the reign of the sun,
Floats freely guided by the moonlight, and upon the drowsy wind.
Smiling upon all the wonders, in their true state that he sees,
The moon, in all his glory, shines brighter with pride.
The spotted moon, himself, for days, turns away and sleeps.
As the bright face that lit their ways, now wanes away,
The lost wind, now stops to blow, and rests till the light returns.
The proud tree, a glory in the white, now stands ignominiously hidden.
The feather, with no companion or medium, lies… caressing its wounds.
And the distressed souls, distressed, now more, sit distressing further.
Sans the saviour, the blinding darkness, fills every waking corner,
As the hoot of the owl, adds fuel to the fire that blazes in the night.
The cheer dies down, amongst the lovers, as the gloomy darkness sets in,
The wicked dark, reflecting only the wicked in that little brat’s face.
The land holds its breath, waiting and praying for return of the calm moonlight,
For the other side of the moon, is dark and eerie, not a very pleasant sight.
28 February, 2011
It was an exciting thing for him. A long anticipated moment that had finally seemed right around the corner. He was going to finally be with what made him happy. With what made him feel like himself and more. With what gave him a word to define cuteness. With it, meant the world to him. And now, it was coming to him, to be with him, and be his… All the excitement, he could not contain! He would sit all day, as his books stared at him, longing for attention acting all desperate by throwing up random highlights and “Did You Know”s. But they were to get none of him, as he counted down the days, to hours, to minutes to seconds.
At first he did not know how the situation was to be handled. He always saw them in the open or under adult constraints. But now it was all his and he was in it’s possession. Its face, its walk, its playful gestures, everything that made him forget the existence of a life outside of the realms of this new world, this new world of fun, of being fun, of being himself, open and free. And he wanted to make the most of it. As he spent more time with it, he learnt more of it. And it only played along very happily. In return, he made it get the best, and only the best. Never leaving it hanging, and always getting it what it wanted. When it was happy, he would be exhilarant.
They had fun together, as he sneaked it into places that were deemed out of bounds for one or both of them. Not wanting to let go, he sneaked it into his home, without knowledge of anyone, and had fun all night as sleep took a seat ordered some burgers and coke, and watched contently as the two played around. Never letting the other feel a moment of emptiness or loneliness. He treasured his time with it. The smiling moon, after watching over them all this while, finally took his leave and left them to their ways. The sun, wanting a peek too, scrambled its way through the sky, only to find them peacefully perched and greeting him with warm smiles and even more warmed hearts.
It wanted to explore, he wanted to explore with it. They made moment after moment happen, and moment after moment happened with them. They played under god’s nose, and in the devil’s den. And nothing beat their company and they made a new friend… TIME.
Even time seemed to enjoy their little squabbles and childish giggles. “Time is a dressmaker specializing in alterations”, said some great man. As the time came to part ways, and goodbye was the word that fought its way through his throat and grumbled as it squeezed between his clenched teeth and fell out in one agonizing flick of the tongue. A goodbye that seemed to summarize, in a moment, what they had built, over that time. He hated that word. He hated everything about it! The way it sounded. The way it was spelled. The way it FELT.
But it had to be done, and he could just turn and walk. Not having enough courage to watch his love part from him. Not wanting to watch it leave, just as he sniffled to hold back the drop that was so eager to run out his, across his cheek. He walked off, away from the van that carried his beloved away. His pup. The one he had got for his birthday, the one that he had wanted throughout his childhood, and had finally been rewarded on HIS most special day. Now it was going back home, and his heart was going back to its shell. Every step through the mud felt like walking through quicksand.
The cycle still stood there, laughing at him, chained to its stand… and laughing.
12 February, 2011
Will You Be My……… Facebook Fraand!?
“Come writers and critics
Who prophesize with your pen
And keep your eyes wide
The chance won't come again
And don't speak too soon
For the wheel's still in spin
And there's no tellin' who
That it's namin'.
For the loser now
Will be later to win
For the times they are a-changin'.”
26 January, 2011
The Bachhan Paradox
The actor responded to these, as he called them, “allegations” by saying that all the responses that he received were intended to be spiteful. “I expected these movies to be failures, so that my future performances can be seen as the rise of the phoenix”, said the actor. Supporters of Bachhan attributed this attitude towards the recent fad that caught up with Abhishek, of reading Harry Potter books. They followed up by a pride march outside all bookstores around Mumbai and demanded that all Harry Potter books be taken off shelves. “These books are teaching the future of our country wrong things, today he wants to rise like a phoenix, tomorrow he might want to run around sticking broomsticks in all obscene parts”.
The actor also acted very pleased with the response to his latest string of advertisements for a major telecom service provider, and quoted it as an “overwhelming” response. “The idea had a deep rooted concept, and idea within an idea, within the idea inside the idea of the fact that you get an idea”, he said. “When i did this advertisement, i did not expect many people to understand the underlying motive of the ad. Heck it took me ten adverts and a logic-for-dummies book to finally get to the idea! Big B called it ironic but i did not understand,, i guess the old man is loosing it!”, he added. The advert had small-B talking to random people in random locations and asking them questions following which he exhorted them to switch to the service he was advertising.
“The point was to annoy people to an extent which would make them go out and get our SIMs. So Abhishek was the ideal choice for such a role. The response we are getting is wonderful as more and more people switch to our service so that they can, later, hurl abuses at the TV”. The director was amused at the people who liked the advert and he said “Well, I had tried my best to say that this ad is not for everyone”.
"For those of you who the ad has annoyed so badly...B (Abhishek) and I are so happy. Thank you for your overwhelming response, it has been most rewarding. So happy that we annoyed so many of you. That is how it has been for us too. Thank you," he added, with Abhishek standing in the back nodding and smiling sheepishly to all his comments.
Abhishek is currently busy shooting for his upcoming movies in which he has promised to act as much over his actual capability as possible. When asked if these were also intended to be flop-shows, he said, NO Idea!
Well Abhishek, i guess we get the idea!
23 January, 2011
Another Brick In The Wall
Emmet was just another boy. Just another boy. Just another boy who lived by the society. Just another boy who wanted to be a rocket scientist when he grew up. Just another boy who anted to be rich and famous when he grew up. Just another boy who knew “A” stood for Apple, and “B” for Ball. Emmet was just another ordinary regular happy sociable boy.
Emmet was an ordinary boy, only he was NOT. He was anything but normal from the inside. Emmet had something seething inside him. Born in the arms of imaginary friends, this thing inside was everything that Emmet was not. Not to everyone else. On the exterior he was a sociable, cheerful, adaptive human being who morphed into what was expected at the time. He slipped into each role well, almost inconspicuous. Even he did not know the surge of the emotional cauldron that was brewing inside him. Over the years, due to his “attitude”, he had learnt to absorb all the emotions that came his way, he had virtually become an emotional dump. Alls well that ends well is what he lived by. As long as this behaviour got everyone the desired results and kept him out of any emotional mess by attachment with others, he was just as satisfied as the others.
But strong is the power of emotions unheeded. They can bounce back, when given a window of opportunity! But he never let it slip. The grip was always on. But soon he was to find out that the word exasperation is not just something that looks good in the dictionary. It gives a vent. Everyone is a carrier of emotions and everyone has a capacity. Over years of hardening and carrying, providing no relief to his storage, he went over the same old song and dance for years. The brew inside him was getting nasty, finding no escape, it was eating away inside. Emmet never paid attention to it. He was too busy with what others cared for. He would only reveal what he wanted them to see. He thought he was happy. One can only survive so long by acting an ostrich. Hide your face in the ground all you want, life catches up with you at some point!
There were times, people who made him doubt his attitude of being a societal slave. People who trampled him and his emotions. People who very casually ruined his faith. But he would never give in. He found it hard to come face to face with the reality, the ugly part of human character. He loved his ideal world too much to let go of it. All he wanted was to fit in. Its not like that was his dream, but to achieve anything in the world, you have to FIT IN.
It was illogical, that people always have to be a part of something larger to be reckoned. Though many historical greats have been attributed as the sole-reason for some success, its clear they were nothing with the huge support they gathered by, once again, PLAYING WITH THE PEOPLES MIND! Support is garnered only when you can convey to people how your actions are going to help THEM. None supported the radicals. Their ideas were just TOO out-of-normal-order. Accepting that would only mean that they had to contradict themselves. And however rich the idea, it would be crucified. Galileo, Newton and Einstein are a few of the names that come to my very troubled mind. Society has changed over the years, but how many times has it changed accepting and owing to a very radical thought?? I’m not answering that. Its a clear answer.
Emmet was not much of a thinker. Not lately, that is. Not after he had shut down anything that required the co-ordination of brain and heart. He had learnt from experiences that those two never go together, and if they do… Requiescat de pace are the only words that would bring you any peace, thereon.
Emmet survived all the emotional barrages. He never showed any signs of being perturbed or disturbed. But as i said before, sometimes when nothing happens, life happens. Living on raw emotion is not an option that life offers. As things stood, life caught up with Emmet. And he went silent. This was new to him. It was like a long lost companion. A skeleton, that he dug in somewhere deep, tumbled out of his closet. As the emotions gurgled up with uncontrollable vigour, he went from one mood to another. No vent in sight, he vented on himself. A couple of bruised knuckles and red eyes later, nothing had changed. All the world that he had helped cope with their minor outages, turned upon him. But he had never lived under the burden of expectations. If you never expect, you never have to cope with regret. But this condition called for someone to fall back on.
Emmet was not lonely, he had an alter-ego. Or so he thought. Because when the time came, when the final cloud of impending feelings rained in upon him, his alter-ego only proved another dead-end. Emmet felt true regret for the first time in a long long time.
*This is not the end, Emmet is not fiction. He is a part of everyone. In some, he is very irrelevant. But in some, he manifests the identity of that person. This is not the end, you script the end. You are responsible for finishing this off. But Emmet never expects, so its all cool even if you ignore the Emmet inside you.*
15 January, 2011
Words, Are All I Don’t Have
Like leaves on an autumn forest floor,
What a bonfire my letters would make.
If I could speak words of water,
You would drown when I said
"I love you."
13 January, 2011
Cognito Ergo Sum
Three very powerful words, defining most of what is today. Three words that summarise man’s existence and struggle for surviving and getting the best for himself. It means, “I Think, Therefore I Am”, in other words, “To think is to be”. Sir Isaac Newton did not get all red and cut down the tree from which an apple fell on his head, he thought of the reason and that is why we have, today deciphered the biggest secret governing the biggest things around us, including the very earth we stand on! All the developments over centuries have come due to a run-off-the-mill thought, some small worm that crept up in a persons mind, infecting his brain to an extent of madness to get to the solution.
I speak not, of the thought within a thought within another thought inside a thought conundrum and…Hmmmm sense confusion i do, stop blabbering i must and AAAAnnnhhh AAAAAaannnnnHHHH. Umm… before you ascribe me to have gone bonkers let me clarify that the above was a display of the power of the mind. How it took me from Shakespeare to Leonardo Di Caprio to Master Yoda and a wookie in the end, all in the course of one simple statement. The mind, clearly very powerful, though, is no match to the crushing authority that thought commands. One pestering thought can crush your mightiest will power surge of the brain.
Thinking is a necessary evil. The same words we were told about friction and television and the more recent Commonwealth Games. Thinking is an art, a science and/or a skill! People think within, or in a more fancied word, introspection. “I am introspecting”!! Lets face the facts, you definitely are bitching about yourself to you!! The things people do to get sad are really astonishing! Thinking back, is another popular fad! Going by the name of retrospection, this has given many of us sleepless nights! Whether it be from the guilt that arose from the past, or the fear that arose due to your moms indulgence in the aforementioned act, retrospection’s a bitch!
Thinking is a science. It involves devoting all your life to something that eventually will gain you no tangible output. Clearly this seems to be the only correlation of the two terms, as far as my imagination stretches!
Thinking is a skill. But then again, singing is a skill…. and yet we have Justin Beiber and Miley Cyrus strutting around in the vanity of this SKILL. Acting is a skill, yet Katrina Kaif and Aishwarya Rai made it big (Katrina, no offense! You are doing a great job… just try taking some tips from Malaika or Rakhi, can go a LONG way! Aishwarya, you married Abhishek!? God forgives one mistake, but this is like… pushing the limits!). Getting back on track, thinking is a skill, you just got to have it to flaunt it! Au contraire people do it the other way round.
We think way too much for creatures that took billions of years to get internet! Heck, i am sure god was heckling his Bluetooth earpiece off while watching Bill Gates unveil the first operational O.S., on OmniTube (YouTube minus restrictions on content!!). We got to learn that changes will take time, thoughtlessly thinking (pun or whatever this implied, is totally intended) all the time gets you to the same place at the same time. Que Sera Sera…
Oh but not thinking altogether is also bad, and can have VERY SEVERE repercussions for the society and world as a whole! A living proof of this fact is the ever-pre-teen sensabulous Justin Bieber. Seriously, Patricia Elizabeth Mallette and Jeremy Jack Bieber could have saved an entire generation by putting in a tad bit more thought before committing such atrocities!
This post has no ending, thus i shall top it off with a self-thought-of brainfart!
Kahat vareva guru:
“Thinking provokes action
action provokes reaction,
reaction provokes thought,
Alas, square one is where you got!”
Its a vicious cycle, nip the problem at the bud!!
01 January, 2011
We Are Done Here
<your gender here> : “Hi, I think we should not be seeing each other here.”! –> henceforth referred to as “dumper”
<(ex-)partners gender here (precaution taken not to write opposite gender only, and invite the wrath of “the community”)> : “Naaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnn!!!” –> henceforth referred to as “dumped”
There comes a time in every human’s life when you realize that who you thought was your “special one” or something of the sort, but their very presence only makes you want to run away. Far away. So its basically a very sad state to be in and the only escape?? A BREAK-UP! The word pair that drives a shiver down any guys spine and a tear down an average girl’s cheek. But break-ups are essential for a better relation to grow (Weird, but true!).
<Dumper>: “Yeah, it’s not the best idea for us to continue like this, we are heading nowhere!”
<Dumped>: “……”
Though I’m not much for focus on the dodgy waters of “relationships”, the break-ups caught my eye. In my years of service as a student first at a school, and now at a larger institution (a college, in very glorified terms), i have come across a wide variety of break-ups. And even more interesting are the behaviours of the people who indulge in these acts. Interestingly weird, others call it. Hence it was, but natural for me to take an interest in this very issue.
So, there exist a variety of dumpers. Lets begin with the most common, the clichéd dumper. The most boring and un-imaginative type. Repeating the same old off-beat statements that have been passed down the generations, and mostly have become obsolete. Its better to get dumped by these people than go on trying to work things out with them, they are dull and stupid, and as someone aptly had said “fame is fleeting, but stupidity…… Eternal!”.
<Dumper>: “Its not you, its me. You are perfect, but I just am not looking for something serious at the moment. You deserve better than me. I am sorry but i just cannot impose myself on you anymore.”
<Dumped>(Ideal response) : “Hell yeah! i deserve someone who can at least break up with me in a non-textbook manner. You got that damn straight, i deserve someone who can actually make me cry! Goddammit you just make me laugh. Hence, (with panache)Break-up or not… frankly, I don’t give a damn!”
We move our focus over to the textual dumper. The most wrath-invoking bunch. They like to believe in a phrase they wrongly heard from somewhere as “words speak louder than actions”. Taking it further, clearly the fact that texts speak louder than words and thereby are the loudest, is apparent reality to them. Very very intriguing is this particular dumper. He has the guts to type out an entire text highlighting the shortcomings of the relationship, but not the vitals to actually spit it out on the face. The best case in this category i have seen was when the dumper, actually topped off the message with an emoticon!! I really don’t see how anyone would take such a message seriously,
<Dumper>: “i thnk v shd nt c ech odr nemr, v r jst 2 diff 2 b 2gdr. i m sry bt v hv 2 brk up! :-( :-/ ”
<Dumped>: “LOL… :-D …. OMG, r u crs? bt y? OMG OMG OMG, ds is nt hpnin. OMG cn v atlst meet(i frankly don’t know how to shorten “meet”) 1ce b4 v do ds? OMG no! :’-( ”
Leaving them to their half-conversations, i cast an eye upon the Maroon-5 dumper gang. The most vivacious lot. They break up, and then slip into an everlasting cocoon of depression and stuff that over time, gets really annoying!! Yeah, some of their songs are good, but please try a different them once in a while!!
<Maroon-5>: “I’m not fine, I’m in pain, Its harder everyday…. Maybe we’re better off this way, its better that we break…”
<Dumped>: “Uhh…. *sob* Ok..”
******** 10 years later ********
<Maroon-5>: “This love has taken its toll on me, she said goodbye too many times before. I have no choice, cuz i wont say goodbye anymore! ……… ”
<Marooned-5>: “Dude, we broke up ages ago!! Get over it!!”
To dump, or not to dump that is not the question! How to dump!? That is the question, and generations have come and gone, but none have found the secret to a perfect break-up! Maybe we shall, some day!! But till then, tears shall be shed and wails will take the skies by storm as this never-ending war against emotions, shall take its casualties!
~The Kleptolectual~
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Finding yourself?10 years ago
A kleptolectual - Stealing moments to make them memories sans any motive....
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